R Programming 2025
Welcome to the R Programming workshop for 2025!
This course is taking place as part of the University of Warwick’s 2025 Spring Training Week, organised by the SCRPT.
Syllabus overview
This is an intermediate/advanced level course. Topics we’ll cover include writing functions, error handling and debugging, classes and methods, efficient programming, profiling, C++ and Rcpp, and R tools for working with git/GitHub.
Please ensure that you have met the prerequisites before signing up, both in terms of prior R knowledge/experience and software set-up. Note that no prior knowledge of C++ is assumed.
All slides and further resources can be accessed from the content page and also via the schedule.
Session details
Monday March 24th, Tuesday March 25th
13:30 – 16:00 (Monday), 10:00 – 16:00 (Tuesday)
FAB4.74, Faculty of Arts Building
See the full schedule.
Please see the join page for more details on how to attend the course.
Instructor details
Please see the prerequisites page for details on getting set up in advance of the first session.