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theme_warwick() is an extension of ggplot2::theme_minimal(). See Details.


theme_warwick(base_size = 11, use = c("online", "print"))



numeric, base size for font


character, one of "online" or "print" (defaults to "online"), which determines which font is used


theme_warwick() is an extension of ggplot2::theme_minimal(), offering the following in addition:

  • Spacing, giving the text room to breathe

  • Uses ggtext::element_textbox_simple() for the plot title and subtitle, to enable use of markdown and CSS styling, and text-wrapping if the title/subtitle is long

  • Places the legend above the plot

  • Uses Lato or Avenir Next font (for online or print use respectively), if your system is set up for it

Note that any theme_warwick() defaults can be overridden with a subsequent call to theme().

For further details, including how to ensure your system is set up to use custom fonts, see the warwickplots vignette. For more examples, see the using warwickplots with ggplot2 vignette.


if (FALSE) {
ggplot2::ggplot(mtcars, ggplot2::aes(mpg, wt)) +
   ggplot2::geom_point() +
   ggplot2::labs(title = "A demo plot") +