
We teach three courses annually, usually one per term.

This page lists the most recent iteration of each course.

Upcoming courses

R Programming (March 24th-25th, 2025)

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This is an intermediate/advanced level course. Topics covered include writing functions, error handling and debugging, classes and methods, efficient programming, profiling, C++ and Rcpp, and R tools for working with git/GitHub.

Past courses

R Foundations (Oct–Nov 2024)

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This course is primarily aimed at first year Statistics PhD students. It has been developed as a prerequisite for those attending the Academy for PhD Training in Statistics (APTS) to cover the R material that’s required for those modules.

We cover an introduction to R and RStudio; Data types, structures, and data wrangling using the tidyverse; programming in R; simulation and optimisation; graphics (both base and ggplot2), and Quarto.

R Programming (March 2024)

website source

This is an intermediate/advanced level course. Topics covered include writing functions, error handling and debugging, classes and methods, efficient programming, profiling, C++ and Rcpp, and R tools for working with git/GitHub.

R Packages (June 2024)

website source

This is a hands-on workshop covering the entire process of creating an R package: including functions and data, checking and testing, all levels of documentation, publication and maintenance. The final session covers the advanced topic of using Rcpp code in a package.