R Programming 2025
March 25, 2025
Objects created in R are stored in memory. This has the advantage that objects can be accessed faster, but R slows down as the memory fills up. Creating objects also takes time.
)Try to use the simplest data structure for your purpose
It is especially important to use low-level structures for computation
You can create richer objects as a final step before returning to the user.
Modern computers have enough RAM to work with millions of records using standard functions.
Some packages to work more efficiently with big data:
Adding to an object in a loop
may force a copy to be made at each iteration, with each copy stored until the loop has completed.
R usually copies an object to make changes to it.
can be used to trace copies of an object
[1] "<0x122220648>"
[1] "<0x11940ba08>"
[1] "<0x127b9b9c8>"
There will usually be many ways to write code for a given task. To compare alternatives, we can use benchmark the code.
If the code is more than a single expression, create wrappers for each alternative
Run the two alternatives with bench::mark()
. This function
Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is
# A tibble: 2 × 6
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl>
1 grow(5000) 25.1ms 28.5ms 34.8 95.6MB 63.8
2 pre_specify(5000) 100.3µs 103.5µs 9163. 55.7KB 7.96
is the garbage collector which tidies up deleted objectsitr/sec
is how many times the expression could be run in 1sDistribution tends to be right-skewed - focus on the median!
Benchmarking can be difficult as the best option can depend on the size of the data, e.g. memory allocation can overshadow run time for small objects.
When thinking about how our code scales to bigger, we need to consider what we mean by “big”
compares a function over a grid of parameters
bench::press(n = c(10, 100), k = c(10, 1),
bench::mark(gl(n, k, length = 1000)) # `gl` generates factor levels
Running with:
n k
1 10 10
2 100 10
3 10 1
4 100 1
# A tibble: 4 × 8
expression n k min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
<bch:expr> <dbl> <dbl> <bch:> <bch:> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl>
1 gl(n, k, length = 1000) 10 10 3.2µs 3.69µs 251898. 12.4KB 25.2
2 gl(n, k, length = 1000) 100 10 9.14µs 9.76µs 98840. 11.05KB 19.8
3 gl(n, k, length = 1000) 10 1 2.91µs 3.24µs 296511. 3.95KB 29.7
4 gl(n, k, length = 1000) 100 1 6.11µs 6.72µs 143192. 7.53KB 14.3
Suppose we have a matrix of data and a two-level factor
Use bench::mark()
to compare the following ways to find the coefficients of a linear model fitted to each row
sort(x, partial = 1:10)
to get the top 10sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
vs rev(sort(x))
, seq_along(x)
, seq_len(n)
vs seq()
or rep_len(n)
vs rep()
, which.max()
vs e.g. which(x == min(x))
vs any(is.na(x))
For loops are an intuitive way to write code, but can be very inefficient.
is a function, :
or seq_along
is another function, each use of [
is a call to a function, …, so a loop involves many nested function calls.
Try to keep for loops for truly iterative computations or tasks that are fast in any case (optimizing code takes time!)
Otherwise make loops as lean as possible, by pre-computing values that do not need be be computed iteratively.
Vectorization is operating on vectors (or vector-like objects) rather than individual elements.
Many operations in R are vectorized, e.g.
[1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123
a b
3 6
We do not need to loop through each element!
Vectorized functions will recycle shorter vectors to create vectors of the same length
This is particularly useful for single values
and for generating regular patterns
is a vectorised version of if
and else
Recycling is also very useful here
However indexing is more efficient than ifelse
Logical operators such as &
and |
are vectorized, e.g.
If we only want to compare vectors of length 1 the operators &&
and ||
are more efficient as they only compute the RHS if needed
Make sure the vectors are of length 1, otherwise you get an error. This change was introduced in R ≥ 4.3.
Vectorizations applies to matices too, not only through matrix algebra
but also vectorized functions
Values are recycled down matrix, which is convenient for row-wise operations
To do the same for columns we would need to explicitly replicate, which is not so efficient.
provides a way to apply a function to every row or column of a matrix
applies a given function to each element of a list
and vapply()
acts similarly to lapply
, but tries to simplify the result
It is better to use vapply()
in programming as it ensures the returned object is of the expected type (and is slightly faster)
Several functions are available implementing efficient row/column-wise operations, e.g. colMeans()
, rowMeans()
, colSums()
, rowSums()
, sweep()
These provide an alternative to iterating though rows and columns in R (the iteration happens in C, which is faster).
The matrixStats provides further “matricised” methods, including medians and standard deviations.
Sampling from 0.3 × N(0, 1) + 0.5 × N(10, 1) + 0.2 × N(3, 0.1):
# Set the random seed and the number of values to sample
set.seed(1); n <- 100000
# Sample the component each value belongs to
component <- sample(1:3, prob = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2),
size = n, replace = TRUE)
# Sample from the corresponding Normal for each value
x <- numeric(n)
for(i in seq_len(n)){
if (component[i] == 1){
x[i] <- rnorm(1, 0, 1)
} else if (component[i] == 2) {
x[i] <- rnorm(1, 10, 1)
} else {
x[i] <- rnorm(1, 3, sqrt(0.1))
The for loop in the previous code is suitable for vectorization: the iterations are completely independent.
is vectorized in the arguments mu
and sd
, e.g. to simulate a value from the 1st and 3rd component we could write:
Use this information to replace the for loop, using a single call to rnorm()
to simulate n
values from the mixture distribution.
Use bench::mark()
to compare the two approaches - don’t forget to set the same seed so the simulations are equivalent!
Most functions in R run on a single core of your machine. The future.apply package, part of the futureverse, provides parallel versions of all the apply
-type functions.
Parallelisation is most straight-forward to implement for embarrassingly parallel problems, such as applying a function to elements of a list.
Adapted from https://henrikbengtsson.github.io/course-stanford-futureverse-2023/
Let’s create a slow function:
Now suppose we have four sets of numeric vectors, in a list, and we want to calculate slow_sum()
for each:
We could run lapply()
over this, but it takes a while as it handles each list item in turn:
The future.apply package comes to the rescue!
The first step is to make a cluster from the available cores.
To parallelise on a local machine, use multisession
in plan()
The default number of workers is availableCores()
We’ll also use the tictoc package for timings:
is a drop-in parallel replacement for lapply()
The four slow sums are calculated in about the same time as it takes to calculate one, since they are being calculated simultaneously on separate cores.
The efficient package contains a function to simulate a game of snakes and ladders, returning the number of rolls required to win.
Parallelise the following code:
Use tictoc to compare the run-times. Roughly how large does N
have to be for the parallel version to be worth using?
Try to use vectorized functions where possible.
Otherwise use the apply
family (and parellelise if necessary). Custom functions will often be useful here to pass to apply
Try to keep for loops for true iterative computations or tasks that are fast in any case (optimizing code takes time!)
Good references on optimizing R code:
Wickham, H, Advanced R (2nd edn), Improving performance section, https://adv-r.hadley.nz/perf-improve.html
Gillespie, C and Lovelace, R, Efficient R programming, https://csgillespie.github.io/efficientR/
Tutorials on the Futureverse:
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